Marketplace | Compliance | Strategic Sourcing | Collaboration | Asset Mgt | Governance & Risk
These modules cover the complete Supply Chain Management suite of tools – all in one package, or available by the App as required.
From registering EOIs, through identifying capabilities and compliance, to enabling swift and streamlined strategic sourcing, contract, project and asset management for the whole of life – cradle to earth – we have you covered – efficiently!
Marketplace neatly maps your suppliers by trade, commodity, service or product. It completes entity checks & integrates with eCheck for seamless compliance. With unlimited users within your group having access, the efficiencies arising from this single App will save you hours of search & query time.
Continuous connection with your supply chain enables instant search for any supplier data, file, communication or document. This is your core first stage to easier more efficient procurement your team will value having everything at their fingertips.
Send us your supplier data file and we’ll clean and upload it into Marketplace, the system automatically maps each supplier and drops them into the appropriate segment for easy retrieval.
eCheck takes away the hassle of requesting, processing & following up supplier documents, and suppliers can manage a single file in the cloud that can be shared with any of your branches or subsidiaries.
Induction use scalable, mobile technology, you can develop inductions for a wide range of applications, including sites, plant & equipment in any location.
Induction uses our integrated forms designer, it takes minutes to design a form with images, videos, animation, choices, text and detailed checklists. Map them to single or multiple sites, reducing the need for suppliers to complete multiple paperwork.
Checklist also uses our integrated forms designer for procedures, task planners & guides, for sites & inspections. You can build business forms for Works, SWMS & JSA in minutes, with logs and audit trails for stored files.
Checklist also uses benchmarking and balanced score card technology to keep track of the execution of staff activities and monitor performance.
Starting with a blank canvas we thought “what’s the best imaginable solution for strategic sourcing?” essential elements included:
We developed 5 options that can be selected to match your needs, whether you’re building a bridge, buying rubber gloves or hiring trades we have the solution to save money, control risks and drive efficiency.
We then linked these to a Workflow Planner integrating your sourcing plan, business rules, checklists & approvals.
Automating your tender process not only saves hours of preparation, it eliminates the use of email and spreadsheets to manage high value procurement projects. Everything’s under control and all communication with suppliers is secured & logged with easy access by all staff to check progress and agreed variations. Evaluation and selecting the best bid is also automated using algorithms to identify the supplier with the highest weighted score.
We’ve saved clients $m’s using LiveAuction instead of a lengthy tender process. LiveAuction can be used for anything, products, services and works, our pre-qualification app means suppliers are bid ready, allowing you to develop one off or group buy opportunities in minutes.
Open Catalogue is a completely new way to manage regular procurement items with a web style shopping basket, and complex product data presented in an easy to read style. Using supplier driven data to build your own custom catalogue is a great solution to quickly find, compare & buy.
Tradeboard’s a new generation buyer’s tool, for buyers who know their requirements and what commodities or products they can spot buy at the right price. TradeBoard is dynamic, you setup your requirements & suppliers are connected as bidders and this sets the board in motion. As bids are posted, history is tracked and buyers are alerted to opportunities as supplier’s push out special deals or run outs. A single click streams new products and price data benchmarked to your market in real time.
RateBoard makes rate benchmarking for trades and services as easy as accessing a web page. Simply create a RateBoard for plumbing, electrical services, shop fit outs, rental equipment etc, map the rates you want to track such as standard hourly rates, call out fees, 24×7 fee, public holidays, then map the skills you need such as: post code coverage, skill maps and mobile plant capabilities. Invite your suppliers to bid and sit back and enjoy national and regional rate benchmarking.
Automating your tender process not only saves hours of preparation, it eliminates the use of email and spreadsheets to manage high value procurement projects. Everything’s under control and all communication with suppliers is secured & logged with easy access by all staff to check progress and agreed variations. Evaluation and selecting the best bid is also automated using algorithms to identify the supplier with the highest weighted score.
We’ve saved clients $m’s using LiveAuction instead of a lengthy tender process. LiveAuction can be used for anything, products, services and works, our pre-qualification app means suppliers are bid ready, allowing you to develop one off or group buy opportunities in minutes.
Open Catalogue is a completely new way to manage regular procurement items with a web style shopping basket, and complex product data presented in an easy to read style. Using supplier driven data to build your own custom catalogue is a great solution to quickly find, compare & buy.
Tradeboard’s a new generation buyer’s tool, for buyers who know their requirements and what commodities or products they can spot buy at the right price. TradeBoard is dynamic, you setup your requirements & suppliers are connected as bidders and this sets the board in motion. As bids are posted, history is tracked and buyers are alerted to opportunities as supplier’s push out special deals or run outs. A single click streams new products and price data benchmarked to your market in real time.
RateBoard makes rate benchmarking for trades and services as easy as accessing a web page. Simply create a RateBoard for plumbing, electrical services, shop fit outs, rental equipment etc, map the rates you want to track such as standard hourly rates, call out fees, 24×7 fee, public holidays, then map the skills you need such as: post code coverage, skill maps and mobile plant capabilities. Invite your suppliers to bid and sit back and enjoy national and regional rate benchmarking.
Enterprise & Governments are placing greater focus on productivity & efficiency to reduce costs & meet budget targets. Improving procurement performance is key in achieving this, but reducing costs in a sustainable way requires collaboration that only the best technology can deliver including:
Workshare enables continuous connection with your supply chain. Improved collaboration & efficiency will save you many hours in managing procurement. Workshare fully integrates with our strategic sourcing, compliance and SRM tools to control costs & risks. We’ll track your procurement spend and future exposure in real time, creating a single point of truth and implementing robust risk management & KPI based performance measures. But the key purpose of Workshare is to build quality data, to empower your negotiations, have a 360 degree view of your suppliers & their obligations and create big data analytics to power your budget & planning process & identify new opportunities to drive down costs.
KPI Planner provides a central performance dashboard for your enterprise across all contracts, projects and sites. The moment a KPI is engaged a supplier’s performance target is locked and benchmarking begins for the life of the contract or project. Users don’t need to be trained on each individual event, rather how to manage events. Every KPI comes with integrated checks on how to respond to KPIs, how to assess supplier responses, and how to instigate penalties or bonus allocations on performance based contracts. KPI Planner uses a central dashboard to implement & measure target based KPI’s with techniques including 360-degree mapping, benchmarking, push scheduling and automated alerts. You’ll have full control over the costs & risks that impact your business.
Modern procurement teams are moving to predictive analysis, supported by quality data to achieve improved performance rather than relying on historic trends. The real benefit is greater control & accuracy in matching future supply with demand, and being able to quickly react to market or demand shifts and budget variances. 4Links Advanced Budget is integrated into every contract & project enabling instant cash burn & budget reporting, and creating a single point of visibility across your commitments, all mapped to business units, cost codes, services & commodities.
4-Links understands the complexity of high value procurement, WOL cost analysis, equipment reviews & aggregated buying, so we reinvented the process from the asset up. AssetManager is strategic sourcing in motion, we plan the exit of a product before it’s installed.
By improving visibility to asset data, you improve planning, manage cost blowouts before they happen and react to renewal cycles, buying better and faster. When combined with OpenCatalogue and P2P, you can continuously manage asset renewals, while actively benchmarking new products & suppliers, providing the confidence that the Procurement Team is achieving best value on every purchase.
Your staff view assets differently, for the user it works or does’nt work, for the business it’s a GL item, and for facilities it’s an ongoing cycle of R&M. Yet a deeper look tells us there’s far more, business units need to know what they’re paying for, and the % of budget consumed in
operational costs and maintenance, they need to know what % of next year’s budget is already allocated.
Asset Manager resolves all this, making buying teams and users co-owners of cost management and planning. While AssetManager handles the day to day break & fix, it excels in operational budgeting, with budget vs actual cost reports across an unlimited number of assets, plus real time planning views 1, 3 & 12 months out, enabling aggregated buying to drive the lowest replacement cost.
Asset Manager’s DNA includes: life cycle & cost management, budgeting, service maintenance & warranties, all feeding a constant flow of data via an easy to use dashboard. This is accessible by every business unit: sites, projects, operations, cost centres all collaborating. When paired with OpenCatalogue you can manage asset replacement cycles, with real time product pricing, new product reviews, price benchmarking, all delivered to your buyers with zero input required from your procurement team.
4-Links understands the complexity of high value procurement, WOL cost analysis, equipment reviews & aggregated buying, so we reinvented the process from the asset up. AssetManager is strategic sourcing in motion, we plan the exit of a product before it’s installed.
By improving visibility to asset data, you improve planning, manage cost blowouts before they happen and react to renewal cycles, buying better and faster. When combined with OpenCatalogue and P2P, you can continuously manage asset renewals, while actively benchmarking new products & suppliers, providing the confidence that the Procurement Team is achieving best value on every purchase.
Your staff view assets differently, for the user it works or does’nt work, for the business it’s a GL item, and for facilities it’s an ongoing cycle of R&M. Yet a deeper look tells us there’s far more, business units need to know what they’re paying for, and the % of budget consumed in
operational costs and maintenance, they need to know what % of next year’s budget is already allocated.
Asset Manager resolves all this, making buying teams and users co-owners of cost management and planning. While AssetManager handles the day to day break & fix, it excels in operational budgeting, with budget vs actual cost reports across an unlimited number of assets, plus real time planning views 1, 3 & 12 months out, enabling aggregated buying to drive the lowest replacement cost.
Asset Manager’s DNA includes: life cycle & cost management, budgeting, service maintenance & warranties, all feeding a constant flow of data via an easy to use dashboard. This is accessible by every business unit: sites, projects, operations, cost centres all collaborating. When paired with OpenCatalogue you can manage asset replacement cycles, with real time product pricing, new product reviews, price benchmarking, all delivered to your buyers with zero input required from your procurement team.
Smart Supply Chain compliance benchmarking and verification of business data, insurances, credentialling and
Modern Slavery. Build business efficiencies in management of your ISO standards easily.
• ISO 9001 Quality,
• ISO 14001 Environmental,
• ISO 45001 Health & Safety,
• ISO 27001 Data & Cyber Security
• ISO 55001 Asset Management
• and more.
• Easily establish your standards by
mapping your business across all the
relevant standards, without the
associated expense.
• Do your own gap analysis and then
start to close those gaps.
• Also ensure you maintain your
achieved accreditation by tracking it
live with triggers and reminders as
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